Theta Incremental

89 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 89 ratings.
Posted March 9, 2024. Updated March 24, 2024. Played 3379 times for a total of 1245 hours.
Theta Incremental is currently on hiatus
Major bugs will be fixed though
Theta Incremental is my first entry into making incremental games, originally being made in Twine, but being remade with higher quality and more expandability in The Modding Tree.
latest update
game is tmt now v0.2.3 December 9, 2024
moved game over the TMT
saves are not transferred
likely won't update again for a while
newest comments
Pressing Buy Max on an upgrade when you have less than the cost of 1 upgrade reduces your theta to 0 and gives you nothing
very nice, can't wait to see this grow.
On a side note, its very nice to set player.devSpeed to 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and reach rank 11
One of the games I'm trying this year, your all epic and 10/10 game
any games like this?
maye rank 4 was the friends we made along the way
top comments
It's not a bad start. Rather short, though. Hopefully you've got more ideas on the way. I like the click button removed after the first rank, so autoclickers can't just zoom through the game.
developer response: The game is mostly me trying to figure out what is possible within the limitations of the tools used. I'll probably try to add a few more prestige layers in the future. I'm not fully sure how well balanced it'll be since I've never made an incremental game before.
Maybe I'll even add some actual interactive fiction since that is what the tools are actually made for.
when i ranked up i did not expect my manual click button to disappear LET ME CLICK DAMMIT
good game tho
developer response: The click button kind of breaks once automation gets added (limitation of how the game is built at the moment), but if I manage to fix that I will add it back since the click button becomes far less useful/overpowered later on.
Either that or I add minesweeper or something
I think I actually am a complete and total idiot. I played for probably a good fifteen minutes wondering when the new prestige currency of PLACEHOLDER would be introduced before I realized.
developer response: Truly one of the PLACEHOLDER moments of all time.
The Upgrades screen no longer updates when I upgrade anything. I have to click the Upgrades tab to refresh it and see how much I have of each upgrade, and how much the next level costs.
developer response: I'll try to fix that soon.
edit: fixed (I hope)
The prices and amounts of upgrades no longer display until the game is saved and reloaded in the newest update (they do still work correctly, they just don't show up)
developer response: I'm pretty sure that it's fixed now