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developed by Demonin gamedev
rated 4.4 stars, 159 ratings
rated 4.4 stars, 159 ratings

Posted August 17, 2024. Updated September 1, 2024. Played 10757 times for a total of 21130 hours.


An intriguing mining game. Many different ores to find!

latest update

v0.4.0 September 1, 2024

  • Added mana and mana resets
  • Added mystical rocks, which provide various boosts
  • Added the abyssal drill and tier 5 ores
  • Added the sky stone breaker and tier III gems
  • Changed ore probability list to table style
  • Other minor changes and bug fixes
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newest comments

Mazinglez September 15, 2024
+2comment score: 2

After cycling through a few times, the droprate for gold in tier 3 has been an oddly prominent bottleneck. Not like, insufferable or anything. Just kinda stands out for being the part I tend to last on the most

abaileyatd donator September 12, 2024
+1comment score: 1

The one feature I think would be really useful is if you could have an option with the smeltery to just make as many as possible, obviously only up to the limit you have unlocked. It becomes very tedious to constantly have to set the limits low after each mana reset, only to put them back up as you go. Really a "smelt all available, up to limit" mechanic would just be a tremendous QOL improvement without affecting the idea and balance of the smeltery having un-lockable limits. Really enjoying this and looking forward to the next update!

uden September 10, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Finally completed this update. Definitely enjoyed it and it was a lot longer than the last one though the mana system added a lot more depth and replay-ability to the gameplay.
Only thing I want to note is that in my experience of grinding mana, it was best to simply best to max or get close to max out the basic drill before its heat drill / abyssal drill upgrades and simply ignore any further upgrades out of the sake of time. This would usually net me 7-9 mana in a reasonable amount of time. I feel like this would make it difficult to incentivize people to go past heat drill and unlock the later tier upgrades for mana grinding, making the game very monotonous in the end when the upgrade caps are increased. Maybe unlocking abyssal drill would give a multiplier to mana gain (since it costs mana) and perhaps a similar thing could be done for the Star drill as well. I understand that you would gain access to higher tier furnace caps in later runs, though that doesn't make much difference when most of the smelting needed is only a few smelts.

sbloom85 September 10, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Almost done with this update... I just need more osmium.

simple September 10, 2024
+2comment score: 2


top comments

Acod verifier August 17, 2024
+26comment score: 26

mining... rng... 10/10

hollikill gamedev August 19, 2024
+16comment score: 16

I would really like an option to automatically smelt up to a limit, like I input smelt up to 500 bronze and if I have 500 or more bronze stockpiled it stops smelting.
Also, the ability to pin an upgrade option so it is always visible no matter what drill you are on would be very helpful for keeping track of the next goal when you need to get resources from a different drill.
I love the game so far though!

tristan countest August 17, 2024
+16comment score: 16

i wonder what happens if i give myself 1 Unavailablium and buy the Heat drill before it's added

yhvr owner August 18, 2024
+14comment score: 14

It's possible for the stone breaker to not give a gem. That's not a bug

Endovior August 18, 2024
+7comment score: 7

Stone Breaker works for me? There's a cautionary note on the thing that percentages for each gem are independent, so it's possible for a given Stone Breaker run to produce no gems. Keep trying, you'll get some eventually.

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