
187 ratings
rated 4.4 stars, 187 ratings.
Posted August 17, 2024. Updated September 1, 2024. Played 17009 times for a total of 30393 hours.
An intriguing mining game. Many different ores to find!
latest update
v0.4.0 September 1, 2024
- Added mana and mana resets
- Added mystical rocks, which provide various boosts
- Added the abyssal drill and tier 5 ores
- Added the sky stone breaker and tier III gems
- Changed ore probability list to table style
- Other minor changes and bug fixes
newest comments
@Zugr To increase parallel smealts you have to pause the smelt and than you can change the number next to the name
How do I increase the amount of alloys made per smelt? It says (max 25/smelt) but it still only produces 1 no matter where I click to try and change it.
bro.. the freaking comments gave me so many spoilers. thanks for not adding any WARNING signs.
Doesn't seem to save for me, visited this game on my account a couple months after I started, I have to start over D:
i love it, also, i want to steal the background so bad :sob:
top comments
mining... rng... 10/10
I would really like an option to automatically smelt up to a limit, like I input smelt up to 500 bronze and if I have 500 or more bronze stockpiled it stops smelting.
Also, the ability to pin an upgrade option so it is always visible no matter what drill you are on would be very helpful for keeping track of the next goal when you need to get resources from a different drill.
I love the game so far though!
It's possible for the stone breaker to not give a gem. That's not a bug
i wonder what happens if i give myself 1 Unavailablium and buy the Heat drill before it's added
Stone Breaker works for me? There's a cautionary note on the thing that percentages for each gem are independent, so it's possible for a given Stone Breaker run to produce no gems. Keep trying, you'll get some eventually.