Idle TCG

Posted August 28, 2024. Updated August 29, 2024. Played 6381 times for a total of 4767 hours.
Its a oldschool style browser incremental game with a TCG (Trading card game) theme.
No logins, no transactions only plain incrementing and idling.
Design is responsive and boring so it should work on most devices you try it on.
The game has an end and should take between 1 - 3 days to complete.
Have fun!
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newest comments
Was a very fun game! Definitely needs some tutorial around the Tournament system and the synergy system. Some more starting pack supply and maybe telling the player that the supply is limited earlier can make the early game way better.
But seriously great game <3
the automator is slow, the developer of the game want i broke my left mouse button, 2/5
@Dev I have found it, won't lie I only saw the start over button in the bottom right I did not look on the left side. I will give an updated review and say this was a rather fun one. Will continue the grind for the last cards but even with this last boost my pack supply is greatly lagging behind my money, even with all team members doing friday night fun for pack supply. Would love more content and will keep an eye open for it.
Nice but didnt realize that beating the last person just abrublty ended the game. I still had things in the binder to collect. I just wanted the pack boost they offered. No real reason to offer that boost if you cant ever use it.
developer response: There is a continue button on the victory screen if you want to keep playing 😁. Someday I will add more content and then that boost will matter
Im not sure why the Pack Supply and "Youve old to Many Card Features" exist. The game overall is really fun but these two features kinda kill it for me.
developer response: After you defeat your first champion Pack Supply stops being an issue :)
top comments
i liked it at first but then the painstakingly slow pack supply mechanic ruined it for me (it's just arbitrary timewall for the sake of it)
the tournament battle system looks interesting but i got bored waiting to unlock actual good cards maybe i'll see it to the end maybe not
developer response: Yeah i agree that it could use a little better balancing in that part of the game. With tournament 2 it gets better because it rewards pack supply. And when you defeat your first champion it stops being an issue
This feels exactly like playing a TCG!
Step 1: Get exited about the game.
Step 2: Get into low level play.
Step 3: Try your hand at competitive and lose hard.
Step 4: Put a lot of energy into being competitive and get a very underwhelming reward.
Step 5: Find out you don't have enough money to do anything and not enough card to really get into it.
Step 6: Realize you have better things to do and quit.
Thank you for the experience! I mean it. Last time I felt something like this I lost a lot of money, and this one is free. XD
developer response: haha love it!
it was fun until deck building and tournaments. the lack of any sort of explanation of how anything works just makes it guess and check for an hour or two which is very frustrating.
Fun game. Beat it in 16hr and would've been less if I didn't need to sleep. I think it has a lot of potential for further mechanics and expansion. Felt the game was well balanced all the way through and it was pretty self explanatory. I liked how each new tournament introduced a new sort of playstyle. The first tournament gave a supplementary stream of money for the many skill upgrades. The second tournament helped balance your pack gain due to the softcap on it. The third tournament gave you more money to afford your packs and push your scaling upgrades further. To those complaining about the pack supply time wall, they disappear the moment you can smoothly run the second tournament (to which your problem will be money until the next tournament). Tons of people enjoy AD despite it having many, many more worse time walls than this game has. Synergies were also fun to use and the battle system felt fresh and interesting.
The best strategy I ended up with was to stack the "Other than X type" synergies, preferably all in one card type. This let me basically steamroll the fights of two card types which is usually good enough to win. Basic strategy to gauge if you can win is to do a quick demo run, write down all the battles in a grid, then compare your best cards and bonuses against them and try to pick out 2 wins each round or 5 wins in a champion round. It's a very interesting way to create strategy.
Only gripe I had about this game is that synergy creation can be tedious at times, since you'd have to remake all your synergies every now and then. While it's likely not random, I couldn't seem to find a clear pattern to the synergies. While that would likely be cleared up with a guide, maybe a future mechanic or some vague notes could help with it. On the topic of synergy, however, I wasn't sure if the bonuses were bugged or not:
"Increases WR of X card in your deck (weakness of Y card)" synergy implies that it boosts only X cards in your deck
This is comparison to the "Increases WR of X card" synergy which suggests it would boost all X cards no matter who uses it.
However, enemy players are never boosted by your synergies regardless of whichever synergy you use. Thus, there appears to be no difference between the two synergy types. As a result, there's almost no reason to not use the "Other than X type" synergies unless you just needed a boost in one card type to win. Perhaps if this is intended, maybe nerfing the "Other than X type" a little and buffing the other synergies a little to make it more balanced. Or perhaps add a synergy that boosts all cards at a reduced boost or boost certain symbols.
Some very minor gripes are that I also felt that rating quickly became useless besides leveling up your low rating teammates. After the first 1200 wall, rating never quite affects the natural progression in any way. Maybe champions could be rating locked as well. The trophies you can buy from your teammates are a nice addition, however, I quickly see that my teammates have hundreds and hundreds of trophies I can very easily buy but have no use for since I only need to champion battle to win. Maybe something else you can spend trophies on would be a way to supplement this or to increase champion trophy costs after the first.
As far as I can tell, Aggro/Combo/Control go by Rock/Paper/Scissors rules. Aggro has an advantage over Control, Combo has an advantage over Aggro, and Control has an advantage over Combo. When doing a Tournament, card values are shown like
50% (44)
, where the(44)
is the literal value on the card, and the50%
is the value used when comparing against your opponent, taking the RPS rules into account.