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Bee Incremental


developed by

developed by plasma4 countest



47 ratings

rated 3.5 stars, 47 ratings.

Posted October 4, 2024. Updated October 6, 2024. Played 3310 times for a total of 2972 hours.


Enjoy a silly little game about bees! Enjoy the same simple style, but with entirely new content and more than ever.

latest update

More fixes October 6, 2024

  • made education gain work properly
  • fixed various pollination point issues
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newest comments

Termt December 30, 2024
+1comment score: 1

The idea generation speed upgrades weren't working for me until after I refreshed the page.
The seemingly rather arbitrary separation of "you can only buy 1 of these at a time" and "you can buy 1/10/100 of these at a time" is... annoying. Let me have a million nursery and queen bees without holding my enter key till the heat death of the universe. This is clearly a Big Numbers Game, why limit players to Small Numbers?
Another example for that being an issue is the "build a separate hive" option. They don't feel like they have any use in the limited amounts you can buy them (for some reason it even has a cooldown). They might feel more useful if there was something showing how much of an effect they actually have?
Then there's the bee homes' third tier which require flowers... which are very slowly generated by gardens... for which you need to buy the 2 seeds trade 50 times a piece... why...

DatrixTSW November 28, 2024
+1comment score: 1

This game while I like it seem rather tedious in how much you have to click. Where is the max all button or buy x10 buy x100 or buy x1000? Why should I buy just 2 seeds per trade why not just buy 100 at once? I'm in agreement with @Opharg on the seeds bit. So far, in order to keep myself from having wrist problems, I have to use an autoclicker. What is happening with the automation with the honeycombs? Bees create honeycombs also. They don't just pop into existence when you yourself create them. What is up with education? I don't understand what it improves within the game. I see nothing being improved with that. Would be nice to see what we are improving upon within the game. This game still needs improvements as I can see. Other than that the game is tolerable, though not tolerable enough.

Opharg October 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Very much a "stick a fork in your keyboard to hold a key" kinda game. Buying 200k and upgrading them all 2x, at ~300/s is not a vibe and continuing doing so seems like the only "active" path forward until I outrate buying the next roadblock/goal: . Other things get buy-rate improvements, though always what felt like just a tad too late, where you are purely limited by how fast you can buy things (). But I might've be playing too actively and not letting the current progression ressource catch-up/accumulate.

andrca October 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Okay i figure out how to gain wood and fruit. I'm gaining wood but i need iron to produce fruits, and i still donìt know how to gain iron.

andrca October 18, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I think i'm stuck, for new tech i need 1M fruits that i don't how to obtain, i'm buying wood but i don't produce it, same thing for iron. So or i miss something or i just have to wait to obtain more trees and maybe start to produce wood.
Something i dont get of the game is what produce what and what i need to produce thing like trees, fruit and iron. The game just don't explain this.

top comments

badzad31 October 5, 2024
+9comment score: 9

I'm not sure why, but when I bought a Queen Bee, I immediately got a notification of my queen bee dying, my number of queens dropped to 0, but is still producing pupae, and I just can't produce royal jelly anymore, no matter how many I buy. I've bought up to 200 nurse bees just to see, but my RJ isn't increasing at all. Am I missing something?

developer response: Chances are that was because you ran out of royal jelly, which requires pollen from nurse bees, or you encountered a bug or something else weird :p
It's strange; I'll try to explain it more clearly.

HalitZiyaKARTAL October 6, 2024
+7comment score: 7

unable to get pollen

developer response: I'm so sorry; this issue should be fixed now!

sshs22002 October 6, 2024
+6comment score: 6

how can I get pollen? and also I can't set my education amount, they are fixed to 0

developer response: So sorry about that; there was an issue with the multipliers of this game, and that caused you to be unable to get pollen.

miserygal October 5, 2024
+6comment score: 6

nah the queen bee death purgatory happened to me too
I had 1000 nurse bees and nothing

developer response: Maybe you ran out of royal jelly, which requires pollen from nurse bees? Sorry about it not being clear enough. (More likely, you encountered a rather silly issue with bee calculations)

unicodes gamedev October 5, 2024
+5comment score: 5

looks very much like atomic star

developer response: 🤔🤔 i wonder how that happened

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