tree of random ideas

32 ratings
rated 3.1 stars, 32 ratings.
Posted October 17, 2024. Updated October 25, 2024. Played 3236 times for a total of 2951 hours.
Uhh... I don't know what to say about this game, it's just random stuff and might not be nice to play
This is a test game on how TMT works
There is five layers of chaos and many softcaps for you to deal with because I like to use lots of powers
End game: way to big of a number
newest comments
is DMC's effect not working
itt shows i have 0 curses tho
developer response: i don't know how to hide it
@surajbajaj now you have to reach 1e308 void stones
try to reach infinity somehow
i only got 1 cursed challenge and i finsihed it what else?
top comments
then why did you put it on galaxy then?
developer response: because
crytals is a typo i think
effectively hard capping a resource like dynamic crystals doesn't feel good in incrementals
"sqrt point gain" there's no currency named "points" in the game though
a softcap at 1 billion vs lol
interesting idea