My Very Good Tree 2

Posted December 3, 2024. Updated December 15, 2024. Played 2128 times for a total of 1375 hours.
A long awaited sequel to the infamous TMT mod "My Very Good Tree", which is actually a remake of said mod with the goal of reworking on layers and mechanics to make it stand out more.
Anyways, back to the game itself: You are silly guy and your goal is to beat this tree. Sounds simple enough, right? WRONG! You'll have to get along with whoever's on the other side to not only beat the game, but also make one... by providing resources and doing various tasks.
It's best to play this tree without offline progression after unlocking quests.
latest update December 16, 2024
- Fixed Hours buyable breaking the game with Time perk bought.
newest comments
Guys go to settings and enable fast dialouge and skip dissapering text, speeds up dialouge a bit
Autosave should be on by default.
peak gaming (real)
I got 4000 agility and completely eliminated the softcap. Developer didn't realize it eh
developer response: Intended result with unintended overinflation
"Multipliesy your point gain"
m u l t i p l i e s y
top comments
I think its bad and heres why:
The dialogue text is too slow and it pauses if you go to a different tab. I had to wait 3 minutes doing nothing before i could even begin to play, because the text was appearing so slowly. Add to the fact that everyone will naturally try to see what happens if you click the button that ends your game twice and you get annoyed within the first 5 minutes. First impressions matter, and this game took the absolute worst route to achieving that. Maybe the game gets good, but i didnt bother getting to that point after achieving the 1st milestone (4 prestige points and 21 points), deciding to see what happens if i click the button again and my game completely stopped. 1/5, if i could, wouldve rated 0/5, because i never even got to play.
God the dialog box is annoying as hell, way too slow to talk and manditory to wait for it to finish talking to progress
I fucking did it again, and now I'm softlocked before starting the game. Sweet.
Somewhat interesting concept with a somewhat interesting presentation. I can't tell if you're trying to make it a shitpost with bad mechanics or a genuine attempt at a game with good mechanics. Because of that it comes across as a mess and I can't really tell where you're going or what you're trying to do.
I understand that this is the beginning of the game's development so from that judgement I'll just point out some fundamental issues here.
Quests suck. I get your intention to make a constantly progressing bonus system but if you wanted to add a time wall mechanic, maybe just make it a more a generic time wall mechanic instead of something you can just screw up or have be impossibly slow based on your progression? Right now it's like, let me just pray for it to be actually accomplishable. Like it's quite funny to me that within 6 minutes, all my quests went from theoretically completable to out of my league (with the exception of strength which I was able to complete after eventually getting a barely feasible one). Would this not also be a complete pain to work around with since you'll have to rebalance it every update and considering both space and time. If your intention was to make them a parody of bad mechanics, then why are the boosts so theoretically good? Just make them unobtainable.
Textbox speed is fine, though a little slow, but please speed up the closing textbox. Or if your intention was supposed to parody some dialogue system you really hated, maybe not have the progression of the early game based around that so people may have the motivation to want to replay your game.
I know you probably put some work into the textbox, but I find it kinda difficult to work with personally too. I play most of these games split screened or small screened, which funnily enough completely hides possibly important dialogue, which cannot be reseen. Maybe a news ticker-esque box would be more appropriate.
Finally, instead of just adding a random hardcap to Prestige Points with no warning or indication (but the Quests still go above it lol), maybe just add an endgame slide or say you've reached the endgame.
developer response: Quests: Yes, but also I'm afraid that if I don't scale them properly, then they'll simply start stacking too fast the further you progress until you simply inflate into oblivion. There also will be prestige layer that will deal with both softcaps and quests issue due the game being barely done past Row 2.
Textbox: There is an option that skips text being erased altogether, althought it is a good idea to implement a way to speed up dialogue. Not sure how I'm going to implement the ability to see already seen dialogues tho.
(also that)
Endgame: bird
if you get softlocked by the dialog, your save is copied to the clipboard so you can import it again