Check Back: The Infinite Descent

106 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 106 ratings.
Posted January 11, 2025. Updated January 14, 2025. Played 12395 times for a total of 12961 hours.
Prepare to check back later. Again. Originally intended to be a basic joke game for April Fools 2025, turned into a proper successor to the original Check Back.
latest update
v0.1.3 January 14, 2025
Rarer potions now give higher boosts :)
(If you're already into the game expect a big jump in XP gain)
newest comments
I am 370h into this "Already discovered" simulator and it's quite good xD
damn i was, really hoping this would get another update,
"level title" overlaps with the settings
i love having 2 unique mythical potions discovered and 2 of each which totally isnt annoying
i feel like potions are a bit hard to get like i have lvl 581 but only 1 gold medal and 2 silver and bronze medals
top comments
I kinda wish the rarer potions had a greater multiplier effect
Also doubles as "Already discovered" simulator, lol
there should be a weak passive improvement based on duplicate potions, and maybe a tiny boost at discovering undiscovered potions
Getting a celestial potion gives the same bonus as getting a common one? That's quite a feel-bad, or at least a feel-boring.
It would be neat if different "shapes" of potions actually had different effects too. Even with basic stuff like cooldown reduction, multiplier, additive bonus, chance for double xp, etc, you could get a lot of extra flavor with just a tiny bit of math, and you could even constrain it so that the final formula has the same collection rate you've targeted to roughly maintain the balance.
funny how i always get legendaries from the common crate and worse from other better chests