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Advent Incremental, 4.6 stars, 55 favorites, 7013 play hours Ordinal Pringles, 4.3 stars, 119 favorites, 17812 play hours Algebraic Progression, 4.4 stars, 171 favorites, 25754 play hours Incremental God Tree, 4.3 stars, 273 favorites, 40016 play hours Matter Dimensions, 4.2 stars, 54 favorites, 5511 play hours Idle Loops: Squirrel Edition, 4.3 stars, 53 favorites, 5724 play hours Ballad of Heroes, 4.5 stars, 145 favorites, 39001 play hours Incremental Fortress 0.5, 3.2 stars, 62 favorites, 11786 play hours cityidle, 3.1 stars, 21 favorites, 483 play hours Gods of Incremental, 4.3 stars, 215 favorites, 43762 play hours Button Simulator Level, 1.9 stars, 14 favorites, 417 play hours The Silly Caverns, 4.2 stars, 484 favorites, 408853 play hours [DEMO] Idle Trillionaire, 1.6 stars, 24 favorites, 1504 play hours The Formula Extended, 4.1 stars, 23 favorites, 2855 play hours Time Transcending Clocks, 3.1 stars, 33 favorites, 4882 play hours Odyssos, 3.6 stars, 112 favorites, 5679 play hours HashQuest, 2.4 stars, 23 favorites, 1428 play hours IdleAntFarm, 3.8 stars, 51 favorites, 3946 play hours Celestial Incremental, 4.3 stars, 141 favorites, 52401 play hours EXP Simulator, 3.8 stars, 46 favorites, 18306 play hours