Planar Pioneers

86 ratings
rated 4.2 stars, 86 ratings.
Posted May 18, 2023. Updated May 18, 2023. Played 2109 times for a total of 3312 hours.
This is a game I made loosely based on my fun memories playing MystCraft and RFTools Dimensions mods on Minecraft. You'll be gathering resources, and eventually using those resources to travel to different procedurally generated planes.
It's also completely open source, and made in Profectus. You can view the source code here:
newest comments
I just realized there are 16,777,217 different planes(world included)
Fun game, unique mechanics, 10/10 ur all epic!
time for galaxy cluster!!!
I can’t increase the connections on dowsing
cool game
also one question:
how did you make this?
developer response: I made a game engine/template called Profectus. There's a source code link in the description
top comments
Game doesn't load :/
yay it's bakk
i...only see a white screen...
i dunno what's causing it, but the game description makes me want to see this game for real.
amazing game but grinding portals feels pretty old after a while
creating a new save doesn't seem to actually reset anything