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Mine Your Way Out 2


developed by

developed by Luis0413 gamedev



246 ratings

rated 4.5 stars, 246 ratings.

Posted January 26, 2024. Updated January 27, 2024. Played 4350 times for a total of 2954 hours.


Mine resources and upgrade your gear in a world where every pixel is breakable and escape the underground. While mining you feel like something is watching you.

Game length: ~1 hour, ~2 minutes to generate a world

Game might run worse on Firefox
Game is not playable on mobile

Space Background Generator

Music Credits

All soundtracks are taken from You can find them here:

latest update

Minor changes January 28, 2024

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newest comments

awWhy January 24, 2025
+1comment score: 1

I randomly found secret boss after replaying game, main boss was RNG enough, secret one also makes it really hard to see your own character, there are blocks everywhere that limit your movement and block your bullets, but not the boss. And also camera moves in really weird ways...

Maxisverycool555 January 13, 2025
+1comment score: 1

I completed the game all because of one thing.. my curiousness.


I found out that you can and then after I did that. I went up and didn't know there was a whole @$$ like- what? and that was the first ever thing I encountered. like- seriously. and the second I found was literally the one with the and then I said "eh. lets just go to the easier one." and went to the thing. I beat it. and thats my curiousness giving me literal and actual luck.

Shigechi January 13, 2025
+2comment score: 2

the ending is just... ABSOLUTE CINEMA!

bck356 January 10, 2025
+3comment score: 3

If you want to try a world with the smallest dimensions it can be hard to generate one with a seed that actually has all the ores (the game will warn you if it is missing an ore after generation). I did find a seed that works for that though: 69

The1AndTheOnly November 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the ending was a surprise , but great game :D

top comments

ducdat0507 contributor January 28, 2024
+41comment score: 41

Just a small tip: Usually in sandbox-ish games like this it is best not to generate the entire world at once - the part where the player spawns in and can see and interact is generated first, then more of the world are generated as the player moves around. This makes sure the game isn't spending too much time generating, like in here where you need to wait 1~2 minutes for the game to generate the world before you are able to play.

xyn_ counter January 27, 2024
+15comment score: 15

endgame spoilers:

Marvai January 29, 2024
+11comment score: 11

Phenomenal game. Endgame spoiler:

Outside of endgame, the overall feeling of mining is very satisfying, especially as you upgrade, as is exploring the map. I'm not sure I'd agree with the "usually in sandbox games like this you shouldn't generate the entire world at once", I think that is perfectly acceptable to do in games such as this, many other games in a similar vein as this do it (the obvious Terraria inspiration comes to mind). While it certainly can be turned fully procedural (Ala Minecraft for instance) a 1-2 minute wait is not extreme, especially for a game like this where it is intended as a one-off map load, and it greatly simplifies the logic of loading in single-instance objects . If you desire to put in the extra effort, it can be a nice feature, but far from necessary or too inconvenient, I'd argue it's more necessary for games with larger maps and bigger load times, or more expected to show up with very large games that are expected to have significant polish. That's just my own opinion based on my experiences with other games, and with my own development of them, however!

Shironero counter January 27, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Endgame spoilers: Aside from that, the game is a short and sweet experience reminiscent of exploring Terraria's underground caves and biomes, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for a cool game :)

Eternity308 February 1, 2024
+7comment score: 7

spoilers and review:

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