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Le Stupid Tree Game (TMT Mod)


developed by

developed by MomentCookina gamedev



26 ratings

rated 4.0 stars, 26 ratings.

Posted July 15, 2023. Updated July 15, 2023. Played 730 times for a total of 918 hours.


A medium-long TMT mod based on "Prestige" layers and NG-X modes (NM+X modes in the game) made by MomentCookina
The NightMare never ends. - Cookina
[Warning: This game might contain bugs or timewalls]

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newest comments

unicodes gamedev August 23, 2024
+1comment score: 1

i like it :)

bdh2022 November 23, 2023
+6comment score: 6

1. I beat the game twice(1 from githack and 1 from 2. The game went fine, except the "Suspicious Behavior" achievement(Summon the funny using exactly 11 of UP upgrades), as it's hard to find out the answer for me(I didn't play "Among Us" and never will, also I found the answer in the TMT discord). 3. So I think "Suspicious Behavior" achievement needs the hint or make this can be gotten from progression. 4.Overall rank: C

windy November 13, 2023
+2comment score: 2

walmart version of my very good tree

Maplefrog7 September 17, 2023
+3comment score: 3

How do i unlock 14mn07h4ppy

Maplefrog7 September 17, 2023
+6comment score: 6

i got exactly 11 up upgrades but i dont know how to summon the funny

top comments

bdh2022 November 23, 2023
+6comment score: 6

1. I beat the game twice(1 from githack and 1 from 2. The game went fine, except the "Suspicious Behavior" achievement(Summon the funny using exactly 11 of UP upgrades), as it's hard to find out the answer for me(I didn't play "Among Us" and never will, also I found the answer in the TMT discord). 3. So I think "Suspicious Behavior" achievement needs the hint or make this can be gotten from progression. 4.Overall rank: C

Maplefrog7 September 17, 2023
+6comment score: 6

i got exactly 11 up upgrades but i dont know how to summon the funny

pixelperfect12 gamedev August 12, 2023
+6comment score: 6

note in the numbruh minigame translates to "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

pixelperfect12 gamedev August 14, 2023
+5comment score: 5

im able to get 9th unbalanced power but im still trying to find out how to summon the funny

new42ur3jeans countest July 16, 2023
+4comment score: 4

Is this a MY VERY GOOD TREE reference

developer response: basically yes, what else could it be

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