The Formula Extended

Posted December 23, 2023. Updated December 26, 2023. Played 3746 times for a total of 3326 hours.
The Formula Extended
A incremental with many formula...(?)
A extended version of The Formula . The game is based on The Modding Table(Actually, this is also what I did, you can check it out on my github), which is rewritten version of The Modding Tree.
My github/The Modding Table:
The Formula Extended:
Thanks to the following:
QwQe308 | Jacorb90
newest comments
Nvm I just got to meta and I totally agree with holikill. @Imhoden you gain loop progress by spinning the wheel.
Best game I've seen in a while, imo it might even be better than AD. Spin is a little grindy, but Glory 3 comes soon after so it's all good.
no idea whats happening but looks neat
It would really be nice for glory 6 to make it so you can spend all the wheel energy at once... ;( I am 22 million wheel energy over and crying.
How do I gain loop progress in meta?
top comments
i understand absolutely nothing, please add a math tutorial to go with this
This game made me want to do calculus. 10/10, would remember my degree again.
if you want more playtime in this game, i think you might wanna put some automation for the wheel feature in there, as well as one or two more levels for the wheel
developer response: There was automation in the later stages, and I was going to add more levels to the wheel, but for some reason I didn't have to
It would really be nice for glory 6 to make it so you can spend all the wheel energy at once... ;( I am 22 million wheel energy over and crying.
what does the plus and minus do in alpha energy tab
developer response: Because you need to configure α/β to maximize effect (well, this design is really stupid)
The maximum effect is best kept at β = 1/2α