The Camellia Tree: duducat's Extremely Novel and (Almost) Completely Overhauled "I wanna be the Kamiller" Rewrite/Modification
developed by ducdat0507 countest | rated 4.1 stars, 31 ratings |
31 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 31 ratings
Posted August 2, 2023. Updated August 2, 2023. Played 1442 times for a total of 3426 hours.
When you want to be the camiller
(Note: Best played on a desktop web browser)
newest comments
Excuse me, where can I find the two backgrounds from the options menu ? The one with the witch and the one with space ?
Quite fun! Had a good time playing for a minute, might come back to continue another day!
I see acheivments yet there is no reward.>:( at least there is secrets
@Sovereign that's probably due to Learn 3's bonus resetting. And Overdrive 2 works fine on my end. It doesn't add anything directly, it just boosts the end quality when you release a song. That's why the quality on the release button is significantly higher than the song quality shown above.
@HopeAndFriends uh... in what way do you mean? If you click on the numbers it shows you either a multiplier or a * and a ^ number, with the ^ being the result of your track mastery amount.
it would be nice to see the specific effects that mastering has on their respective tracks...
top comments
the thing that drives me insane is that assigning notes to tracks still spends your ideas even if you can only assign 0
This is quite funny with the rating, considering that I am the original creator who gave the Ducky permission to rewrite this, fair to say that the Original Camellia Tree is a lot more broken and less balanced than this, to the point where prestiging is broken, overall, not a bad rewrite, even though I can see the source code myself
this game is quite superluminal Absolutely EXTRA-TONE-ordinary "Bumpy Ride" (Shredding Whole Your Belonging Space-Time System At The Speed of 1,600 Times the C₀)
Oh, thought of this only after sending the previous one and this site has no edit feature (that I've seen): Automatically releasing a song (if possible) when starting a challenge. I've definitely suffered some losses from that too.
I don't see a difference in Mastering a track. Is it working? Or am I not understanding what it's doing?
developer response: Click on the track multiplier to enable the detailed view (yeah I should make that more obvious)