Niko's NYIGJ 2024

Posted January 16, 2024. Updated January 16, 2024. Played 958 times for a total of 404 hours.
My submission to New Years Incremental Game Jam 2024. This was made in 1 week and 5 days. Its pretty basic but my first take to make something with pure JS.
It has around 30-45 minute gameplay and is bit repetitive later on.
This version won't get updated to comply with IGJ rules, I will make a different edition for that after rating period is over...
Everything was made 100% by me, and you can rate it here ( you don't need though )
newest comments
Where is transcendence? I see a tab for it whenever I change themes, but it doesn't seem to unlock.
Cool game, got to e2000 prestige points and then stopped. But the start is just boring
i got 1.431m^3 of gas even though the limit is 1m^3 (its not a bug i just got really far into the game)
Just an update:
I will make GE version of it which means this will stay as it is even when jam is over
However I will take your feedback to make GE version better and hopefully not be same bad as this version
Where is changelog?!?
developer response: There is none? It was for Incremental Game Jam, which means I can't really update it...
top comments
make the font color a different color than the background.
Just an update:
I will make GE version of it which means this will stay as it is even when jam is over
However I will take your feedback to make GE version better and hopefully not be same bad as this version
either my game broke after the first achievement or this was the end. I read a funny joke while clicking, but thats not the games fault.
Main text & Buttons = Background((((((((((((
I like the idea of this game, but can you please give an update to the achievements tab, like you can just add stuff to the game after the gamejam, right?