The Cat Tree

Posted May 14, 2024. Updated May 16, 2024. Played 2584 times for a total of 1549 hours.
get many cats
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latest update
More stuff + THE PORTAL! 1.1 May 16, 2024
- Flower Upgrades!
- More achievements
- Fixed bug where all the prestige buttons would say +0
- Fixed bug where garden upgrade would always be visible
newest comments
well the endgame screen didnt pop up but I got the first essence pgrade so yeah... time: 30mins and 53 secs
ach "The portal" doesn't work
spend all your monies for +1 cats
14,540 / 25.000 monies
top comments
well... I'd really like a warning when some upgrades will be a huge debuff, and I'm talking about the garden unlock x.x
developer response: added one!
Ah yes, I would love to sell half of my cat for some cat food, I'll keep the top half, thanks!
the game takes 30 minutes to complete
why does making a shorts account cause me to kill my 3 cats?
Flower did not give me 3x money. I had 400ish per second before first flower, and 500ish per second afterwards. If it were really 3x money i should have had 1200ish per second.
developer response: Oh, I'll try look into it and fix it.