Nullified Depths

130 ratings
rated 3.8 stars, 130 ratings.
Posted December 30, 2024. Updated January 14, 2025. Played 17720 times for a total of 29055 hours.
A game quite like Fundamental but has fundamental differences to it.
Out of indev period! Now you can grind a bit more :)
Current Endgame:
newest comments
I got all the five metabars filled they are really fun :D
prestige upgrades take so long to get though... I don't recommend playing this without good entertainment on the side lol
looking forward for depth 5 to be added
Well, just reach depth 4 , very funny. Waiting for the next step now if there's any scheduled
Is it intentional that dropping below 10 space foam nukes your income? Very odd behavior.
It's enjoyable, but I've reached a point where the next three depth upgrades are "you gain more universes" and I'm not going to have fun doing literally the exact same loop with no buffs except to universe reward six times in a row.
Good game with a nice progression loop that really does not take long to complete up to Depth 4. Really looking forward to the next Depth.
top comments
The progression feels like the developer trying to balance it with his 100x tickspeed bonus after being gone for a long time mid-development
It's the 500th game on
The number flickers a lot, that doesn't look good
Is auto being usable before buying the auto upgrades intended?
developer response: sorry... I forgot to hide it
For more consistent naming conventions, change planes to squares. Planes are 2d infinite spaces while everything else is contained within a set amount of space.
developer response: Ok!