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developed by

developed by LedLight gamedev



55 ratings

rated 3.9 stars, 55 ratings.

Posted March 17, 2025. Updated March 17, 2025. Played 3417 times for a total of 4986 hours.


An idle game about planets, universes, realities, and big numbers.

Inspired by my love for Space and Awwhy's "Fundamental"

Keybinds in the game:

  • Arrow Keys -> For moving Tabs
  • Letter Keys -> Written down next to Planets, allow you to switch Planets quickly
  • Shift + Click -> Max Buy Upgrades

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newest comments

corgis today
+2comment score: 2

There's a tip in Pool about turning off water generation, but it cuts off and I can't see what it's trying to tell me.

developer response: oh sorry... next patch it will be fixed. "Turning off Water Generation can increase Tank Size with enough upgrades."

Plu today
+1comment score: 1

I still dont get the Ember process, how do you lose Flame? By doing upgrades? During the process of making heat?

developer response: Turn the heat down between 1 - 9. 0 Makes carbon so it can't be used.

LedLight gamedev today
+1comment score: 1

Dev Here!
I am very sorry for the issues with the less tiny upgrade (and other upgrades), and the accidental issue with the antireality reset. I also changed the ember scaling and made it a lot smaller. If you lost upgrades because of the Antireality issue, then I suggest going into the save file and giving yourself some fragments (it is encoded in base64)

developer response: Btw, to feel these changes you have to reload the game. Sorry for the issues.

hollikill gamedev today
+2comment score: 2

Anti reality nodes seem to sometimes deactivate after a antireality? And I can't buy them back either.

developer response: This issue has been reported and I hopefully fixed it. If you have your old save file hopefully it is fixed...

Maplefrog7 today
+2comment score: 2

less tiny randomly reset and when this happens so does the pile

developer response: This issue is already fixed, just have to roll in the patch.

top comments

Cosmos March 17, 2025
+8comment score: 8

A bit confused on how you gain ember

developer response: Will rewrite the upgrades a bit but basically, when you lose Flame (and are not making Carbon), that Flame you lost gives you the chance the get an Ember. The higher the Flame, the higher the chance.

Zeforas March 19, 2025
+8comment score: 8

Small bug, some upgrade does not work upon refreshing the page, most mainly, "less tiny". I fully upgraded it, but upon refreshing the page, the tiny rock weight went back to 10, severly slowing down progress.

developer response: This is already fixed, this was caused by some change I made. Sorry for it again!

LedLight gamedev March 19, 2025
+6comment score: 6

Hey Dev here! For all the people playing, just released a new patch that reworks Embers! I hope that they are far more understandable and better now <3

Seaduke March 18, 2025
+5comment score: 5

Just wanted to say I'm really loving the game so far. Any chance you could add export/import saves as text strings instead of files? It would help a lot with the galaxy cloud save feature. Thanks!

developer response: Will work on it in 0.1.1 but for now, if you can open the files, inside there is a string that is the save. You can copy that string.

eyerhymes March 18, 2025
+5comment score: 5

I love so much about this. The mechanics for each planet are unique and clearly had a lot of thought put into them.

There are some UI elements I take issue with: I would expect a button to be at its highest contrast when it's press-able, but the upgrade buttons are the opposite. This makes some sense for the ice world toggle, if we think of the button as on or off rather than press-able or not, but then, they appear to be down when they're in their off state and up when they're in their on state, which isn't what I'd expect. I'd say that I could never intuit the state of buttons at a glance. It is actually convenient for those H and O buttons to be toggles, but then I'm not sure there should be two of them. As it is, if I see that one of the tanks is empty and I click the button for that tank, I would expect it to turn that tank on, rather than toggle it (possibly away from the state I'm seeking). There's no way as far as I can tell to discern which prestige resource is which, except by trial and error and memorizing the symbols. Some of the upgrade tooltips aren't perfectly clear: for instance, I believe it mentions flame being converted into carbon, so I thought that you were supposed to build up a bunch of flame and then turn the heat off. Imagine my surprise when the last .4 flame turned into the same amount of carbon as the first 4000. It took me a while to get used to navigating around the different tabs. 'a' is the hotkey to switch to alpha, and to collect alpha, so if you don't notice which tab you're on, you can collect early by mistake. Possibly there could be a miniaturized version of the interactive tab on the upgrade tab itself so that you only need to switch when you want a more detailed view. Just showing '8/15' with a small collect button on the alpha tab, for instance.

I hate that you have to choose between actual speed and quality of life in the ice world. Ice is obviously a limited resource with a harshly scaling cost and there was never a point that I reached where automation wouldn't have meant a significant sacrifice. I also think the first stage of automation in the first world is more likely to cause a new player to not realize that most of the production from the alpha planet comes from letting the bar fill up than it is to ever actually be useful. Maybe if it collected the pile at 1/x it would be convenient for later runs at least. The upgrade to grant a percentage of income when there's a full bar also seems nearly useless. It doesn't appear to work with any of the multipliers, so you can get 100k remnants for emptying a full pile, or <1 remnant per tick for letting it stay full. I guess you can earn a tiny income while getting carbon, but even with every pure remnant upgrade I could reach on the prestige tree, I didn't even notice that tiny trickle.

The first prestige for both the ice and fire planets is kind of an insane grind for very, very little benefit, compared to the first two prestige resources which are practically free if you do short prestiges (literally free for the travel nodes). I like that maxing upgrades can unlock others--the skill tree nature of that--but it did lead to maxing some upgrades that weren't worth it only to find out they unlocked nothing. Maybe an indicator is warranted?

I think there's a bug where multipliers linger when you level up the alpha planet. I notice my first collection would always be several thousand and then drop back to single or double digits. Somehow I got to -1 on one of my prestige resources.

All complaining aside,this is one of the most interesting and innovative games I've played in the genre in a long time and I did genuinely love it. I'm not sure if there's much content that I didn't reach, but I'm not sure if I have the heart for another fire or ice grind just now. Best of luck and I hope to see more to come!

developer response: Hey! Thanks for the comment! Some of the issues like the -1 on water fragments, and the upgrade colours being just stupid (next update there will be an option to customize them). Some of the things are valid complaints - especially the first couple resets being very long and not too potentially rewarding (the system that gives flat boosts for the total amount of fragments that you have). I will try to address them better and we can maybe talk in the discord about them as it would be an easier form of communication.
Some solutions are already there, just not told to you instantly. The bar in alpha, at the bottom, changes colour when the pile is full. While Anomaly Nodes - the ones you want to gun for - sparkles a little bit in space, giving away their location!
Carbon and Ember stuff is still getting small reworks in how they are written and I know it is a big complaint, just today I tried to fix the ember description.
Lastly, the game ends when unlocking a big upgrade in Star. This upgrade requires a Node to be unlocked, but you do not have to complete 100% of the tree to get to that point.
I am glad you enjoyed it! <3

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