Time Transcending Clocks

65 ratings
rated 3.2 stars, 65 ratings.
Posted March 15, 2024. Updated September 30, 2024. Played 4591 times for a total of 5121 hours.
Website link | Discord link
NOTICE: This is not for the lighthearted incremental player. Be prepared to see a variety of weird progression chains, and know there's a lot of reading involved! (It has the resource-management and micro-management tags for a reason.)
A game all about building clocks and eventually conquering the multiverse. Discover the wonders of time travel, phoenixes, 2D dungeon gameplay, and exotic apples in this wacky and complex idle game. (An autoclicker is included.)
latest update
Dungeon fixes! September 30, 2024
Made dungeons much cheaper and also fixed some issues related to them, reworking some early-game mechanics.
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newest comments
I love how almost everything on this site has saves encoded in base64. makes it easier to progress when you've hit massive time walls.
I am confused about the dungeons, how exactly do they work? I keep getting those gold coins but nothing changes, can't defeat more than 1-2 mobs ( those with electricity always beat me no matter what )
developer response: At the start, dungeons are quite difficult, but later on, it'll get easier! Some of the harder enemies may be difficult to beat at first, but getting the upgrades will help a lot.
I like this game, but I'm stuck since I can't find out where AI upgrades are.
developer response: AI upgrades are in the tab that looks like an apple (the keyword is firefruit).
Help me I'm addicted... I CAN'T STOP PLAYING- HEEE-
I been addicted
developer response: don't go insane :>
top comments
my immediate first impression is that everything in this game is absolutely screaming for my attention and information is scattered all over the pages in a million different colors and icons
the end result is that i am borderline overwhelmed despite the gameloop literally just being "click the thing to sell them for money so you can buy things to make another thing" which is... impressive?
developer response: Sorry about that: I understand it is popular opinion that the game is too complicated, but it's...kinda intended?
Unfortunately, it does tend to drive people away given the complexity, and I'm sorry about that. The game is intended to have a whole bunch of micro-management (that's why it has that tag), and I get why many will be "borderline overwhelmed." I've updated the game's description, but be aware that this game is INTENDED to be at least somewhat complex and that this game will not receive too many major updates.
I want to like this game, but it's just a mess. You have to buy too many chains of items before it's automated enough, and even then, meh... Maybe some people like this style, I just can't get into it.
developer response: This is a game of micro-management, after all. It's not for everyone: I get that.
The good:
-Large amount of content
-Interesting progression mechanics
-Decent sense of humor
-Crystals merge offline and online play well
The bad:
-Long wait times, even with 100x gamespeed, to buy certain upgrades (prior to Coal Machines)
-Resources don't show where they're coming from or going, and at what rates
-Researches don't show up until you have enough science to even see them, and "You'll need a lot of scientists" isn't a very helpful hint.
-Some things can't be multi-bought even with omni-managers, meaning long stretches of holding down enter/autoclicker.
The ugly:
-Power flickering between stable/unstable/not fully powered adjusts text sizes on the menu, making it difficult to adjust power priority.
-The UI. Flashing, pulsing, glowing text - it's all an eyesore.
-An "itemToAdd is undefined" bug permanently corrupted my save.
Overall, I'd continue playing if I could, but there's definitely work to be done here. (To the dev - what's the best way to submit a bug report?)
developer response: Thanks for the summary! Currently, I believe you contacted me on Discord and I promptly fixed the issue, so that is the best way to report a bug.
Edit: I've now released 0.2.3, which allows you to speed up crystal usage in exchange for a speed bonus!
Future ideas:
- Change the color of resource texts when you hover over something that produces them (say, when you hover over a digger, the clay resource changes color), and also say how much of an item it is producing.
- As for the UI, it might be the overwhelming quantity of buttons (and of course, the text size adjustment involving electricity). Future readers: Note that you can enable Sleek Mode within the settings for the buttons to darken! Sadly, this one is more complicated and it may take longer to fix. But thanks for all of the helpful information: I'll get to it!
update: no, this is like... actually kind of unpleasant to play once you start auto-earning money. i can't easily keep track of what resources i have or what they're used for, the costs of everything are buried in their tooltips (assuming you can even find them, because they seem to be placed according to the rule "be vaguely next to some currency they interact with", settings like an autoclicker and an autoseller are directly next to important structures for some reason... and all of this wouldn't be so bad if the main way of progression was not resources that make other resources that make other resources, which quickly turns into a nightmare when i can barely tell what i have or what anything costs.
i mean there's a skeleton of a good game somewhere here but... the UI really, really needs work
developer response: Thanks for the feedback on the game! Unfortunately, I understand this game isn't for everyone simply because of the complexity. However, I do understand the fact that it's extremely difficult to understand and pick up the game. This game is more of a test of micro-management, but how would you advise a fix? Should early mechanics be moved further back?
(Also, I'm curious why you're having a hard time with costs, because it does give you statistics at the bottom of main buttons. Is it because of the mini-buttons or just the confusion?)
You should implement a reduce motion mode
developer response: I've reduced a lot of motion involved: I've changed the moving stripes to a much calmer gradient and reduced the flashing text. The rapidly changing text is another issue that I'll have to tackle later.