Crinchure Collector

38 ratings
rated 3.0 stars, 38 ratings.
Posted March 6, 2025. Updated March 6, 2025. Played 777 times for a total of 571 hours.
Load time is about 4-5 seconds, sorry! It'll cache though so you only need to go through that once!
What's this about?
- Your partner is dying of a horrific virus and you have 365 days to save them.
- Only the wondrous power of the mysterious new Crinchures can possibly save them!
- Explore a post-apocalyptic world where few mortals remain and collect 181 (*2) unique Crinchures in your quest to save those you love!
Other stuff:
- The game saves after every day!
- There is a lot of text in this game!
- The game can be pretty dark! Blushing Kitsune Basket is all about cute/unsettling and we hope you enjoy!
- Art: Re-used game jam art from Crinchure Rescue and Poofle Mutation Idle (Credit to KeyDemon)
- Music/Writing/Coding/Design/Everything else: Fraytoria
- Beta Q/A: Day, Gelidity, Zosa
(Thank you so much to my wonderful friends for helping with early playtesting, you all save my sanity 💖)
Feedback Survey (Some spoilers about Crinchure designs, recommended to fill out after you're done!):
latest update
More post-launch Community Updates! v1.02 March 8, 2025
(All of these were inspired by community feedback, thanks for playing!)
- Minigames are BACK! (just until the next version, game really isn't playable w/o them; if you hate them...just skip 'em I guess? and if you love 'em....let me know in Discord and I'll find a way to preserve them!)
- Audio flashbang on load FIXED (set the audio to 10 on might just not be loading audio settings at all but I didn't have time to test that)
- Fixed ending auto-triggering after a certain period of time as that was not intended
- Unique Crinchure count now properly updates when you get a Crinchure (:wow:)
newest comments
Nice concept, but gets a bit repetitive, would be nice if certain critters added some sort of variety to the gameplay.
A way to skip/disable certain animations would go a long way as well. After a certain amount of captures you really start getting tired of seeing the animation for the Results screen, day change and captures.
just beat the game with both endings, the bad ending seems to be broken (it won't let me finish the dialogs)
also this game is short (got all crinchures in a few hours), maybe u could make it longer?
maybe add more minigames and zones too (sadly I don't have ideas)
sorry for the poor comment btw I don't have much to say
good game
developer response: thank you for playing!!
developer response: this has been fixed!
top comments
I think this game has a good sense of style, and I like that there's something plot-adjacent going on with your sick partner. The thing I'm conflicted about is that though this hard deadline adds a sense of urgency --not a bad thing on its own-- it doesn't feel very compatible with a luck-heavy creature collection game. It gives me the sense of "why bother trying, even if I play the same few minigames perfectly every single time, I could still fail due to poor luck." Since the minigames are simple and repetitive, the idea of getting to the end, failing due to bad luck, and then having to play them hundreds of times again, fills me with dread lol. Perhaps this isn't the case and I need to get further into the game (only in zone 2 atm), but that's how it feels now. It could also be very hard to fail, or continue after the (what appears to be hard) deadline-- but that's not something the player would know just starting out. Still, this is more of a personal thing about 100%-ing collections, so I regardless think it deserves a higher rating. I would definitely keep playing, as I'm curious about these mentioned darker aspects and further zones, but that hard deadline just takes the wind out my sails. I want to collect 100%, or none at all lol. I'd love a setting to toggle it off, but I understand that it would make the point of the game moot in some respects. It may just not be for me.
Overall, I still think it has potential. The art and layout are a little nostalgic, and it seems like it's going for a more "deep lore"-ish vibe, which is good given the very simple game style. The UI is a considerable step up from Poofle Mutation idle-- feels more nostalgic/old-school than clunky and outdated. No idea if that was carried over at all or entirely new. The minigames are very repetitive, but I'm sure that's a known concern. Overall a nice little game to play at work to make the time go by. Keep it up, and thanks for sharing your game!
developer response: thank you so much for playing and giving me so much to think about! you've made me realize that I just...shouldn't show the timer, for reasons I will not specify.
my question to you (and anyone interested), if you don't mind (and feel free to come on over to the discord if you're cool with chatting more!) - do the minigames actually just make the game worse? like, if I just...don't have any, and you just have passive/risky... is that better? my intention was that if you didn't want to play the minigames you just...wouldn't. do they feel too rewarding?
lot's to think about, thanks again!
It doesn't seem to run very well on chrome. The minigames don't respond very well while they're so laggy.
developer response: thank you for taking the time to play! performance is definitely something I need to work on and will be a big component of the next update!!
so loud :(
developer response: sorry about that! I'll add the sound options up-front on the first playthrough, thanks for the feedback!
the music jumpscared me lmao
developer response: thanks for the feedback; this has been fixed!
Kinda reminds me of Poofle Mutation Idle