Universal Reconstruction
developed by Escapee counter | rated 4.0 stars, 90 ratings.
90 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 90 ratings.
Posted October 14, 2024. Updated October 20, 2024. Played 8686 times for a total of 11177 hours.
After having gone just a bit too far in Distance Incremental, you find yourself lost in an endless void, with naught but a lone Skyrmion to your name. Gather, experiment, and discover all the components you'll need to re-create the reality you once called home!
While this game is inspired by Distance Incremental, it is its own separate standalone piece. Playing that game is suggested, but not in any way required.
Originally my first TMT game, this has been re-created in Profectus with a slew of changes - if you for whatever reason want to play the original, it is still available here
latest update
1.1.0 October 20, 2024
- Fixed Universe Size sticking oddly in the Abyss - UNIVERSE SIZE IS RESET TO FIX SOFTLOCKED SAVES
- Added a modal clarifying the Acceleron-Inflaton split
- Enhancement Presets are now loaded by clicking the name, and can be re-set
- All Skyrmion upgrades now count for Abyssal requirements
- Higher Entropic Loop speeds now have tamer visuals
- Fixed a softlock from buying an upgrade without any Entropic Loops
newest comments
This game is using 3.5 GB of memory and has become so laggy that it's unplayable. I have tried throttled and unthrottled and it is the same no matter what.
Inflaton buildings really, really, really need "buy max" button. Auto-build is very slow and it buys all of them when I need to focus on a single building.
This game is pretty interesting... but my main problem is that the Inflaton section with Research at ~60 Skyrmions is a ridiculous timewall
Hey, this game is pretty fun. Thank you, keep up the good work.
I'm confused about the 'Grasp the Void' ES. I took it as my second ES upgrade. It says things could carry over, but it's pretty much become locked in progression (358 Skyrmions, e345 Quantum, e32 Accelerons, e11 Time Cubes, e5.78e15 Inflatons). I can't reach timelines to start those buffs, and I don't think I could really reasonable progress them with the Abyss debuffs anyway. Do I just need to give up on it and go for the next string in the normal universe? Feels like I just wasted the second ES upgrade.
What should I do? What should I focus on? Am I missing something?
developer response: Yeah, you're done in the Abyss for now. You just need to stay in there long enough to reach the four new Skyrmion upgrades, then you're done for the time being.
top comments
no idea what's going on but it looks neat
Im in the abyss but I can't really progress because the abyssal foam is nerfed heavily by "[Inflatons] Abyssal Dispersion". I don't even have inflatons unlocked in the abyss, so I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this nerf. Is it something carrying over from the normal mode?
doesn't format correctly on mobile completely unplayable. shame as it seems interesting
developer response: The interface is entirely designed for desktop play - as much as it sucks for everyone who wants to play on their phone, it's just too much work for me to create and maintain two versions of each interface, and too limiting design-wise to only have shared screens.
Inflatons and acceleron tabs popped up at the same time, and I did inflatons first since it seemed to not need a reset... now the acceleron tab is just gone?!?
- The face that you can only choose between Inflatons and Accelerons the first time should be made clearer
- That Entropic Loop visualization gets very jarring after a while, can you add it so the loops becomes a circle once it goes fast enough?
- I should be able to change Entropic Enhancement presets when I click on its name, not when I click on a button that is buried between many other buttons. Also having the ability to replace a preset would be nice
developer response: I knew I'd forgotten something, to swap out the loop visuals once they get fast enough. The rest though, great feedback, I'll try to get those fixed up