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Universal Reconstruction

developed by Escapee counter
rated 4.0 stars, 11 ratings.
rated 4.0 stars, 11 ratings.

Posted October 14, 2024. Updated October 15, 2024. Played 477 times for a total of 431 hours.


After having gone just a bit too far in Distance Incremental, you find yourself lost in an endless void, with naught but a lone Skyrmion to your name. Gather, experiment, and discover all the components you'll need to re-create the reality you once called home!

While this game is inspired by Distance Incremental, it is its own separate standalone piece. Playing that game is suggested, but not in any way required.

Originally my first TMT game, this has been re-created in Profectus with a slew of changes - if you for whatever reason want to play the original, it is still available here

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newest comments

unicodes gamedev today
+1comment score: 1


hollikill gamedev today
+1comment score: 1

Inflatons and acceleron tabs popped up at the same time, and I did inflatons first since it seemed to not need a reset... now the acceleron tab is just gone?!?

MurderMouse today
+1comment score: 1

Text goes a little weird:

developer response: Yep, that's a known issue across a multitude of games, and not one I've heard of any solution for. Seems to be some change that Chrome made to the html layout code some few months back, and it's spread to all other Chromium browsers since. This game (and a good few others that I've seen) just happen to hit whatever edge case that update introduced.

DiesWhenKilled October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I really enjoyed the progression up through - but once I unlocked my interest immediately died. Something about constantly having to juggle and (having to do it again, specifically), boosting one in order to boost the other, just immediately killed my interest in pushing any further. It was a fun few hours though.

jvwilbur October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Team Pion, baby!

top comments

BeterBriffin October 15, 2024
+5comment score: 5

no idea what's going on but it looks neat

Stoj October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

doesn't format correctly on mobile completely unplayable. shame as it seems interesting

developer response: The interface is entirely designed for desktop play - as much as it sucks for everyone who wants to play on their phone, it's just too much work for me to create and maintain two versions of each interface, and too limiting design-wise to only have shared screens.

Newtype October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Skyrim ions.

jvwilbur October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Team Pion, baby!

tacopian October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Looks cool. Mobile. ;(

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